Dinner from Barnsley
The Brooklands Hotel in Barnsley is now a Holiday Inn, but the Brooklands Restaurant there still serves the double chop from across a lamb’s loin it is credited with naming.
I bought one in Waitrose, and it had been lounging in the freezer for a little while. The chop wouldn’t take long to cook, so first into the oven went a potato – whole, at 190C. It was large, so would take about an hour and a half to bake, but that was fine.
When the time came, I got a frying pan as hot as I dared, and put the chop in. Lots of smoke, but with a few minutes on each side (and more on the “back” to crisp up and melt the fat), it was done. It sat on a warm plate to relax whilst the veg – savoy cabbage and leek – steamed. Whilst this happened, I sorted the potato – cutting a cross into in, pushing the sides together, and adding black pepper. All-in-all, delicious, and simple. Minimal washing up, too, as the frying pan and oven tray got cleaned in the time it took the vegtables to cook.