Down on the Green
Another year down, and it’s time for Cambridge’s 37th Beer Festival – the second-largest beer festival in the country. For the first time in a few years, I’ve been volunteering; hence why, on Saturday and Sunday, I found myself lugging all manner of heavy things around in the baking heat!
I was pleased to see Hopshackle’s Double Momentum, a favourite from last year, on offer again this year. Guilsborough Gold, from Nobby’s Brewery, was also particularly good. Moonshine’s Chocolate Orange Stout – a dark stout that tastes distinctly of both chocolate and orange – stood out as a crowd-pleaser. There’s a barrel of Harviestoun Old Engine Oil (an extra-strong one, too) that measures in at 9.6%. I’m told it’s currently “a bit soupy” and, hence, isn’t being served yet. When it is, I’m sure it’ll be a treat.
The usual range of food counters are also on site, with the cheese counter as always have a lengthy clue. I picked up some Stinking Bishop and a smoked pigeon breast for my dinner on Monday night, before returning to the bars to continue serving the happy punters.
I’ll be working there again in the week, so perhaps I’ll see some of our readers down there…