Back to balance
After Easter Sunday’s cavalcade of chocolate and wine, Easter Monday has been all about getting back on course with healthful eating. What I find interesting is that after a day of indulging a bit too much, there is a great eagerness to return to more balanced food choices. This...
Easter Sunday indulgences
So much for a restrained Easter! Today was anything but. For breakfast, I really fancied trying my first ever hot cross bun. Alas, alas – we hadn’t actually got any in. Doh. (This was later remedied.) I then explained to my boyfriend how to make French toast (known as...
An Easter chicken rather than an Easter egg
Sunday April 16th The promised sunshine gave way to bouts of drizzle. Not a day to picnic on the river, so I tried something else. I greased the casserole dish first, then lined it with sliced potatoes par-boiled for a few minutes. Then two good-sized chicken legs with the...
The peckish Polack*
I skipped breakfast this morning so that I could play with my gorgeous new Mac, but more than made up for it with lunch: a leftover sardine from Good Friday, a kipper and a half, a pile of cauliflower with leeks, a sliver of chevre with a couple of...
King of the Sandwich People
Got back to University. Having shopped I treated myself to a luxery sandwich. The last thing I ate was a rancid pizzaesque thing on the plane about 24 hours ago. BA always do them; either I burn my mouth on them or they are cold and soggy. The sandwich...
Good Friday
Breakfast this morning was a plate of scrambled eggs with tarragon, prepared for me by my boyfriend. At lunchtime, I had some cold pasta with salt and a bit of Tabasco. I had dessert with lunch – a bit of quark (non-fat soft cheese) mixed with a spoonful of...
Hot cross buns
Friday April 14th Good Friday. After the gym I settled down to a serious hot cross bun. In other countries they might chase after mad rabbits scattering chocolate eggs, but hot cross buns are the real thing. You can buy white ones, but don’t. The best ones are brown,...
Salad days
I worked from home this morning, which meant I went straight from my shower/dress/primp routine to sitting at my desk for a few hours – which meant I skipped breakfast. Not clever. At 11 AM, I heated up a bit of rice, which I ate with soy sauce, Tabasco,...
The best burger in London?
I admit, lunching on a burger when one is attempting to reduce the amount of processed food in one’s diet does not really seem to be in keeping with the spirit of said attempt. But this burger was different. Really. It was a late lunch – 2PM – and,...
Chocolate – I knew it!
As readers of the Singleton Diet will know, I usually eat a couple of squares of dark chocolate every day. I like it, and it makes me happy. Now Prof Roger Corder has found that it makes you less likely to suffer arterial blockages and heart attacks. The key,...